It’s been getting cooler here in the ‘Ville lately. And cooler temps mean two things at our house. Cuddle weather and soup. Don’t worry, this post isn’t about cuddling, it’s about cooking.
We have a fine Italian meatball soup in the fridge, and I’ve been pairing it with sandwiches or bread for a couple days now. Last night I decided to kick it up a notch. I made mayonnaise.
Oh, my. Why don’t I do this a couple times a week? Why do we buy mayonnaise at all? It’s the simplest thing in the world to make and I’m gonna tell you how right now. Get your blender ready. Check. Get an egg, some dijon mustard (any will do), and some lemon juice. Check. Get a cup of olive oil ready. Check. Put the egg and a tablespoon each of the lemon juice and mustard in the blender. Done. Blend for 20 seconds. Remove feed tube. With blender running, slowly pour olive oil in. It’s gonna get nice and thick. Yeah. When done turn off blender. Add salt and pepper to taste, not too much though. Pulse. Grab some bread and slather that nectar of the gods all over it. If you don’t eat it all right then, refrigerate and throw away after 24 hours (it’s the whole raw egg thing).
Now, again, why do I buy mayonnaise at all? This is so much better than Helmann’s, or FMV or whatever else I find at the store down the street. Plus, buy making my own I’m exerting a bit of independence from the dominant food economy that brought us all those spinach problems. And since my eggs come fresh every two weeks I’m supporting a local farmer. I love food justice. It tastes great.
4 responses so far ↓
Cousin Billy // Oct 3, 2006 at 9:26 pm
Ya buy it cause then ya don’t have to clean the blender.
melanie // Oct 4, 2006 at 10:46 am
I make my own mayo too! A little differently… Mine involves blending one egg, a few Ts of oil, some dry mustard, some salt, and several Ts of cider vinegar–then adding the rest of the cup of oil while blending. The difference with this one is, it keeps for weeks (according to the recipe–but I have been known to keep it for months). My theory being that the cider vinegar acts as an antibacterial so the egg doesn’t get funky.
The recipe I use comes from the New Moosewood, and includes a vegan variation (using silken tofu) and also a Green Mayo variation (add a handful each of parsley and chives, to either recipe). I can send if you like.
Nectar of the gods indeed!
fritzg // Oct 4, 2006 at 1:51 pm
Hey Cuz,
What’s the brand of mayo you use in Kiev?
Send the recipe on! Which Moosewood is it in?
Cousin Billy // Oct 4, 2006 at 4:37 pm
We get garlic mayonnaise made by Torchin. Some Ukrainian or European brand I am thinking.
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