Elections in the US are next Tuesday, but two days before that Nicaragua is holding it’s own national election. Check out this Common Dreams article by Ben Beachy of Witness for Peace on how the US is involved. I traveled to Nicaragua in November of 2004 with WFP and roomed with Ben while visiting coffee farmers in Matagalpa.
Is This the America You Believe In?, Part 2
by fritzg · 1 Comment ·
Tags: awareness · human rights · justice · peacemaking
1 response so far ↓
BSudduth // Nov 3, 2006 at 3:45 pm
Hard to imagine, with the Iraq war, Afghanistan, North Korea and all the economic issues here at home, that Washington would have the time or interest to be involved in the Nicaraguan elections, yet again. The sad thing is, because of what’s going on in the rest of the world, our ‘meddling’ in their election will sneak right under the public radar. Ben does a great job of detailing US involvement without overtly taking a stand for or against either Nica candidate. Witness For Peace is a great organization doing incredible work! Go Ben! Go WFP!
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